Syed Arshad Saeed Kazmi, Sheikh-ul Hadith (Head Department of Hadith). He is a nationally acclaimed scholar of Hadith and Islamic sciences. He completed Dars-e-Nizami from the highly reputable institution, Jamia Islamia Arabia Anwar ul Uloom, Multan and was awarded Shahada al- Aalamia in Arabic and Islamic Studies by Tanzeem ul Madaris Ahl e Sunnah, Pakistan in 1987. He studied Arabic literature at Jamia Saddam (now Baghdad University) in the early 1990s. He spent some time specifically learning Ilm-e-Meeras (inheritance laws) from Mufti Abdul Wahid who was the successor to Mufti Siraj Ahmad. A contemporary of A’ala Hazrat Maulana Ahmad Raza Khan, Mufti Siraj Ahmad was a towering scholar who was given the title of Siraj-ul-fuqaha by A’ala Hazrat in recognition of his deep understanding of the discipline of Islamic jurisprudence. He started teaching various Islamic disciplines at the Jamia and was soon appointed the Head of the Department of Hadith, a position he has held since. Alongside his academic activities, he has various administrative responsibilities: notably, he is the Nazim-e-Aala of the Jamia and Senior Vice President of Tanzeem ul Madaris Ahl- e-h, Pakistan. He is serving as a member of the committee constituted under Ministry of Federal Education, to develop a consensus of translation and commentary of the Holy Qur’an for teaching in the schools under Compulsory Teaching of the Holy Qur’an Act 2017. He has researched extensively on a number of areas and has authored numerous books. He is currently working on the completion of a magisterial exegesis of the Holy Qur’an that his late father started.
The traditions set by Jamia Anwar ul Uloom are deeply rooted in the quest of Islamic and spiritual knowledge. The journey that spans over three quarters of a century started when a young man from Amroha, who had been treading the path to acquire knowledge, decided it was time to form a base in the city of Multan. And thus the foundation of Jamia Anwar ul Uloom was laid in 1944. The institution proved pivotal in reclaiming the dwindling glory of traditional Islamic thought and practice. In recognition of his knowledge the founder of the institution was credited with the titles of Gahzali-e-Zaman and Razi-e-Dauran. The titles aptly reflect the credentials of Allama Syed Ahmad Saeed Kazmi who was one of the most authoritative scholars of recent times influencing millions of people around the world. While his death in 1986 marked the end of an era, his legacy of propagation of knowledge and spiritual cleansing has continued unabated. Jamia Anwar ul Uloom is a well-established esteemed Islamic institution needing no introduction. Its alumni have served the country ever since its inception and have featured prominently among notables in academia and various sections of civil society. The incredibly rich intellectual traditions of Jamia have always attracted the best brains to make its faculty – who, with utmost honesty continue to impart their knowledge and skills to the pupils. While there is ongoing influx of talent from all corners into Jamia, a number of its graduates join their mentors to keep the cycle of propagation of knowledge in their Alma Mater. Notwithstanding its rich pedagogic history, the institution also prides itself on having contributed to the top judiciary and educators in the country.