He is nationally acclaimed scholar of Hadith and Islamic sciences. He completed Dars-e-Nizami from the highly reputable institution, Jamia Islamia Arabia Anwar ul Uloom, Multan and was awarded Shahada al-Aalamia in Arabic and Islamic Studies by Tanzeem ul Madaris Ahl e Sunat, Pakistan in 1987. He started teaching various Islamic disciplines in the same institution and was soon appointed the Head of the Department of Hadith, a position that he have held since. Alongside his academic activities, He have various administrative responsibilities: notably, As a Nazim-e-Aala of the Jamia and Senior Vice President of Tanzeem ul Madaris Ahl-e-Sunnat, Pakistan.
He is serving as a member of the committee constituted under Ministry of Federal Education, to develop a consensus of translation and commentary of the Holy Qur’an for teaching in the schools under Compulsory Teaching of the Holy Qur’an Act 2017.
He has a dynamic and self-‐motivated person, a strategic thinker and can conceptualize and articulate my vision. He has the tenacity to implement the delivery of academic and scholastic work underscoring the tenets of research, training and education. While strongly upholding the traditional beliefs of the Islamic Scripture He believes in collaborative working across all Islamic disciplines in order to provide the best possible advice on modern challenges. He has a sound understanding of logic and argumentation and use these tools to seek solutions for upcoming disputes and new challenges within the Divine framework.